
The goal of establishing the Libertatis Institute Foundation is to build a strong libertarian environment in Poland.

Through a variety of activities in the areas of politics, economy, culture and science, and using the knowledge and cooperation of individuals and organizations, the Institute Libertatis will shape the attitudes of freedom.

The Libertatis Institute Foundation will strive to strengthen the role of responsi

bility, private property and justice as indispensable components of freedom, because freedom understood in this way does not violate the interests and rights of third parties.

The Institute Libertatis Foundation will look for allies and coalitions in its activities, if only joint action can bring about an increase in the area of freedom of man, group of people or society.



Poland of the Future

Deputy Ministers conference

The LIBERTATIS INSTITUTE has been organizing events since October 2016 during which topics relevant to freedom and development in the personal, economic, scientific and cultural sphere are discussed.

In 2017, the first edition of the conference of deputy ministers „Poland of the Future” took place. Seven deputy ministers attended. This event has gained wide media coverage. It also began many heated discussions and intellectual discussions around key ministry projects.

Continuing the event’s success, on June 11, 2019, the LIBERTATIS INSTITUTE organized the 2nd Conference „Poland of the Future”, with the participation of deputy ministers directly responsible for the implementation of projects in selected ministries.

The purpose of the „Poland of the Future” Conference is to present key projects currently underway in ministries and to discuss their participation in building the subjective society. 

Energy of the Future

Conference of the Institute Libertatis

Idea of ​​the conference/ key projects in the fuel and energy sector

The LIBERTATIS INSTITUTE has been organizing events since October 2016 during which topics relevant to freedom and development in the personal, economic, scientific and cultural sphere are discussed.

During the meetings, the presentation of thoughts and assessment of state-forming practice is carried out, which is accompanied by an exchange of views and the search for the best solutions for increasing the quality of country management.

The results of the analyzes are to constitute an intellectual contributi

on to the practice of effective management of the common good which is Poland. Both governmental and non-governmental institutions and organizations can use the analyzes.

Continuing operations in the indicated area, on June 22, 2018, the LIBERTATIS INSTITUTE organized the „Energy of the Future” Conference, with the participation of representatives of the Ministry of Energy, the Chancellery of the Prime Minister, the largest fuel and energy companies and the world of science.

The aim of the „Energy in the future” Conference was to present key projects currently being carried out in ministries and companies, and to discuss their role in building the subjective society.


We invite you to recurring meetings organized by us. Once a month we talk to people who have an impact on our reality, who can contribute to increasing or reducing our freedom.

Liberator Podcasts

We invite you to listen to the Liberator broadcast, which is broadcast on the regional radio station of Polish Radio „Radio Dla Ciebie”. The program host is Stanisław Wojtera, President of the Institute.
During over two years of running this weekly podcast we have emitted over 250 valuable podcast and hosted almost 200 quests from the world of policy, economy, science.
We are also holding annual gala to which we invite all of our guest to provide the network and debate space. There we also handing over the Liberator’s prize for the most active and effective freedom activist.


Institute LIbertatis during its each day activity connect policy-makers, experts and opinion makers.
Our guests are carefully chosen in order to provide substantive value in our project.
During over 3 years we have hosted Deputy Prime Minister, many Deputy Ministers, senators and politicians, opinion makers from other think tanks and ngos, representants of the most influential media (f.e.public television,  Poland The Times, the first channel of Polish radio, …), government and company experts (f.e. EU Digital Champion for Poland, Microsoft, …)


Jakub Rutkowski

IT consultant with 20 years of experience, cast as project manager, architect and IT services manager. He gained experience in international corporations from various branches of the economy in the country and abroad. Co-founder of the Conservative-Liberal Academic Association. Co-owner of a music club. Organizer of cultural activities and patron of the arts.

Jacek Szafader

A business practitioner with over 17 years of experience in the new technologies industry, a specialist in the field of knowledge about software for companies and building customer relations (CRM). Founder and manager of Atteli, specializing in software development for companies. He advised Polish and international companies. He is also one of the founders of the KoLiber Association. He publishes his business-related insights on the Szafader.pl blog

Stanisław Wojtera

Founder and two-time president of the KoLiber Association and president of the Real Politics Union (2002-2005). In the years 2002-2010 Councilor of the Capital City of Warsaw. Founder and president of the Libertatis Institute. He graduated from Political Sciences and MBA studies. An academic lecturer by passion and a manager and entrepreneur by profession.


Institute Libertatis core create experts group.

They are opinion makers, scientists, representants of business, former policy-makers. Very often they fight for the freedom started in their early years but with the experience and knowledge they are now able to provide analysis and papers, participate in public debate and represent Foundation in media.




ul. Mahatmy Gandhiego 8/72
02-645 Warszawa



